Silverstripe 4 gotchas

This is a really common one. It can be solved using the owns api on versioned dataobjects, but we don’t yet have access to that for non-versioned objects (such as SiteConfig, for example). We’ll be able to use owns on non-versioned dataobjects in 4.1 so that will help a lot, but until then the solution is to use publish single in onBeforeWrite (or onAfterWrite).

public function onBeforeWrite() 

        if($this->Image() && $this->Image()->exists()) {

@zanderwar wrote some code that will do this generically by looping the has_one relations:

public function onBeforeWrite() 

        /** @var Image $relation **/
        foreach (static::$has_one as $key => $relation) {
            if ($relation == Image::class && !$this->{$key}()->exists() && !$this->{$key}()->isPublished()) {