Blog: word 'archive' in front of <!DOCTYPE html> - where does it come from?

Silverstripe Version:5.2
silverstripe/blog: 4.2.3

I customised blog templates and am not aware that I have touched anything regarding the archive, but for some reason I have the word ‘archive’ at the beginning of the archive pages and when I checked the 'View Page Source" this is how the page starts:

archive<!DOCTYPE html>

I double-checked every single file I customised, but I have no idea where this comes from.
It only happens in front of an archive page, all other pages are fine.

Could this be a bug in the blog module or can anybody please point me in the right direction?

Check your code for an echo 'archive'; or print etc. If it’s only on the Archive page, check BlogController in the vendor module as well. It definitely looks like that’s what is causing it as it is showing before the template render. If it’s not a print ‘archive’, it could be checking URLSegment or getAction() or something.

This was really a good hint! Thanks a lot. The ‘print’ was causing it.
Thanks a lot!