CMS Editor width

Hi there.

I’m upgrating my CMS from 3.6 to 4.2.1 and have various questions. First ones :

Why the CMS Editor textarea does not cover all the screen like en 3.6 ?
I don’t see the interest to not use all the width I have on my screen for the third column in the CMS (the main one, after the menu and the tree)
Is it possible to modifiy that in the code ? How ?

Also, it seems not possible to extend the size of the popup windows with the HTML code like in 3.6
Same questions. Is it possible to modifiy that in the code ? How ?


Are you by chance using content blocks? there is a issue to increase the width of the editor in blocks. Otherwise there shouldn’t be any changes (that I’m aware of) from 4.1 which is the current public demo.

On the demo it should be that the editor is full width, with the exception of when the edit panel is extremely large, were it shifts to a percentage of the given area. This was done so that the content try’s to emulate how the content might look on the website. When there are lots of images in your content the editor does a bad job at reflecting what the content might look like if the editor is full screen (with left/right aligned images). Best practice encourages that lines of text do not exceed 14 words for easier readability. Its hard to predict what is the right width as every site uses different font sizing.

This can be customised through CSS but I wouldn’t know the exact code sorry. There is also a fullscreen editor button that can be added to TinyMCE if that is desired, as well.

If you think you have a bug (different from the demo) then you could raise that as a issue here with some screenshots.

Hope that helps.

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

After reading it, I checked the demo.
The demo is fine, the demo is SS4.1.0, SS4.1.0 is fine.

But I’m working with the latest version, SS4.2.1, and it’s not the same behavior.
The width in 4.2.1 is much smaller.

I do not know if it’s a bug or not, but the behavior of version 4.1.0 is much better!

I attach the two screenshots.

Any chance to apply 4.1.0 width in the futur ?

Thanks for the screens, I’ve created an issue on your behalf, hopefully someone will take a deeper look into it. You can track the progress of the issue here on Github . Cheers