CMS Squad product update for 2023-11-22

Last week, the team took a bit of a break to partake in Silverstripe’s Innovation Week. This is a quarterly event where Silverstripe staff can put their regular work aside for a few days to work on innovative projects. You can expect some cool outputs from this event over the coming months.

Otherwise the team as been trucking along on formalising LinkField support and linting our Markdown file.

Bug fixes and other immediate changes

Change to look forward too in future releases

Community PRs

Focus for the next couple of weeks

We’re carrying on with our LinkField work. Next stop is adding support for manage list of links.

We’re also looking at adding a better way to select entries from long list of DataObject.

PHP8.3 is just a few hours from release. So we’re starting to look at what is needed to formally support it in our Silverstripe CMS 5.2 release.

We’re also exploring how we can better empower community contributions.