CMS Squad Progress Update for 2023-02-01

Happy new year! We’re right back into it working hard to get all of the API changes and dependency upgrades in that we can, and are looking to tag CMS 5.0.0-beta1 next week, if all goes well. There are some regressions we’re aware of that will be present in the first beta release, and the changelog will highlight what those are - but the API itself will be fixed when we release the beta, so you should be able to use it to test the upgrade path and start updating any community modules you maintain.

Work we’ve done since the last update

This is a bit of a long one since we last gave an update before the end of the year, so bear with me here.

Community pull requests merged

As always,a big thank you to community members who raise pull requests to fix bugs or implement new high value features. We haven’t had a lot of time to look at these so far this year while preparing for the beta release, but there were some that got merged:

Work in progress

We’re working our hearts out trying to finalise the API breaking changes so we can get the beta for CMS 5 released. This includes replacing the old difflib and simpletest libraries from the thirdparty folder in framework, merging functionality from the silverstripe/security-extensions module into the core modules, finalising the javascript upgrades, and getting the changelog in a good state.

There’s a lot more we wish we could have gotten to, but that just means we’ve got a lot of exciting ideas to work on for CMS 6 when that comes around.