CMS Squad progress update for 2024-01-17

Work completed in the last couple of weeks (and the end of last year)

Welcome to 2024!

We finished the year strong, adding issue and PR templates! If you make any contributions going forward, please fill out the templates as completely as you can, it really helps us get a feel for what state your contribution is in so we can get stuck straight into helping to get things completed.

We also fixed some bugs and continued work on silverstripe/linkfield.

Since we’ve been back this year we’ve been hard at work focusing primarily on getting the link field module ready for a formally supported release - and it’s getting close.

Bug fixes and other immediate changes

Changes to look forward to in future releases

Linkfield enhancements

Community pull requests merged

As always, a big thank you to the community for contributing bug fixes and enhancements! Here’s what got merged since our last update.

Focus for the next couple of weeks

We’re motoring ahead with silverstripe/linkfield. There’s an old POC for providing a low-level API for file type conversion we’re working on bringing into core, and we’ve got the usual mix of bug fixes and enhancements in our backlog to chew away at as well.

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