CMS Squad progress updates for 2023-08-02

Work completed in the last couple of weeks

The team has been working on automating more of our CI and delivery process. This will hopefully mean faster builds and quicker turn around on bug fixes. We’re also dealing with some follow up work from Eager loading which should allow us to squeeze a bit more performance out of the feature.

Silverstripe also step away from its regular work last week for a special Innovation Week event. This gave us a few days to focus on more esoteric and edgy projects. Some of these ideas might make their way into Silverstripe CMS over the months and years to come.

We also released two security patches on July 31st.

Bug fixes and other immediate changes

Changes to look forward to in future releases

Community pull requests merged

Focus for the next couple of weeks

We are forging ahead with further automation to our workflows. With StripeConEU fast approaching next month we are also working behind the scene to prepare for the event.