Cyber Duck SEO Module not working

Silverstripe Version: 4.3


I have installed the SEO module from Cyber Duck. The tab in the pages section works, but the SEO admin (/admin/seo-admin) just returns a 500 internal server error. Anyone had any issues with this, I am running on IIS and PHP 7.

Hi. I built that module. Whats the module version you are using and the error message?

Hi there,

Where would I find the version of the module?

I don’t see an error I just get the standard Silverstripe 500 error page.

Check your composer.lock file for the SEO module entry: should look similar to

“name”: “cyber-duck/silverstripe-seo”,
“version”: “4.1.1”,

What entry have you got in your composer.json file?
What version of SilverStripe are you using?

Please check your error logs for the actual PHP error.


"name": "cyber-duck/silverstripe-seo",
"version": "4.2.1",


"cyber-duck/silverstripe-seo": "4.2.*",

I am running v4.3.0 of Silverstripe.

The only thing in the PHP error log is:

[12-Feb-2019 07:57:24 Europe/Dublin] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'track_errors' is deprecated in Unknown on line 0

I am using PHP version 7.3.1 on IIS.