Despite having PHP Curl ticked still shows as not ticked in install.php

Silverstripe Version:
curl support
curl should be enabled in PHP. SilverStripe uses it for consuming web services via the RestfulService class and many modules rely on it.

Even though php extensions show a valid green tick mark.

There is no RestfulService class in SS4 (it was removed as you can use an external dependancy like Guzzle instead), so cURL is probably not required for a basic SilverStripe installation.

Edit: I only ready the body of the post, after reading the title I’m not sure I understand your problem. Can you post a screenshot of what you’re talking about? (Linking to http://localhost/ URLs doesn’t help us much as we can’t access your local environment.)

Just make sure your PHP has php-curl module installed

try this

ps: since SilverStrip has been giving you curl missing warning, it means you are going to run into other missing php modules. If that does happen, just Google how to install them - easy fix if you have ssh and root privilege (call your host provider if you are using shared host)