$duplicateChecks problem

Silverstripe Version: 5.3

I upload a csv file with the following information:
FileName: “myfilename.pdf”, Title: “my custom file name”, ShortLinkTitle: “my short name”


use DocumentGroup;
use Document;

use SilverStripe\Dev\CsvBulkLoader;
use SilverStripe\Dev\BulkLoader_Result;
use SilverStripe\Assets\File;

use SilverStripe\Dev\Debug;

class DocumentCsvBulkLoader extends CsvBulkLoader {

    private $group_id = null;

    public $columnMap = [
       'FileName' => '->importMyFileIdByName',
        'Title' => 'Title',
        'ShortLinkTitle' => 'ShortLinkTitle',
        'DocumentGroup' => 'DocumentGroup.ID',

    public $relationCallbacks = [
        'DocumentGroup.ID' => [
           'relationname' => 'DocumentGroup',
           'callback' => 'getDocumentGroupByID'

      // TODO
    //   public $duplicateChecks = [
             // 'Title' => 'Title', // Title is no longer inserted in db
    //   ];

       * __construct - constructor, extended to take a target relation ID
       * @param  string $objectClass the class to generate objects
       * @param  int    $groupID     the relation ID
       * @return void
      public function __construct($objectClass, $groupID)
          $this->group_id = $groupID;

       * processRecord - modified record processing function, injecting the target
       * relation ID
       * @param  array             $record    the record from the CSV
       * @param  array             $columnMap the column map to use
       * @param  BulkLoader_Result $results   results
       * @param  boolean           $preview   = false wether preview is active
       * @return int
      protected function processRecord($record, $columnMap, &$results, $preview = false)
          $record['DocumentGroup'] = $this->group_id;
          return parent::processRecord($record, $columnMap, $results, $preview);

       * getDocumentGroupByID - return the relation by the value in the column
       * @param  Document     $obj    the newly created object
       * @param  string|int   $val    the value in the column that triggered the callback
       * @param  array        $record the entire row
       * @return DocumentGroup|null
      public function getDocumentGroupByID(&$obj, $val, $record)
          return DocumentGroup::get()->byID($val);

      public function importMyFileIdByName(&$obj, $val, $record){

        $myFile = File::get()->filter(['Name' => $val])->First();

        if(!$myFile) {
            user_error("Can't find file", E_USER_WARNING);

        $obj->MyFileID = $myFile->ID;

I tried

public $duplicateChecks = [
    'Title' => 'Title', // => Title is no longer inserted in db

but this results in the Title not being added into the db anymore (which it does without the $duplicateChecks) and it doesn’t prevent it from getting added a second time when the same csv gets uploaded again.

Has anyone an idea how to achieve this?

I also struggle to debug this, as the debug shows only for a second or so.