ECS container running, build succedded, load site "Silverstripe Framework requires a "database" key in DB::getConfig(). Did you forget to set SS_DATABASE_NAME or SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME in your environment?"

Container spins up, logging shows successful sake dev/build.
Can log out env variables from the ECS definitions list so they’re there.

Said containers run on both intel and m1 macs fine.

Load the url and the following results.

Silverstripe Framework requires a "database" key in DB::getConfig(). Did you forget to set SS_DATABASE_NAME or SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME in your environment?

Has anyone seen or heard of something like this before

Did you solve this with your conversations on Slack? If so, could you maybe update the thread here with the issue… just for future reference.

Appologies for the delay.

We discovered the issue.

Turns out at the end of out app container we run php-fpm.

The default behaviour here is to clear env keys, which makes sense in some environments.

The solution was in the php.ini

clear_env = no