Extension for File class: updateCMSFields not working

Silverstripe Version: 4.1


I’m trying to add an extension to the File class as follows:

class FileExtension extends DataExtension
    private static $db = array(
        'Copyright' => 'Varchar(255)'

    public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) {
            TextField::create('Copyright', 'Copyright')

registered the extension in mysite.yml:

    - FileExtension

Upon running /dev/build, the ‘Copyright’ field is created as expected, but when opening a file in the CMS, the corresponding TextField isn’t rendered.
In fact, my updateCMSFields method doesn’t even get called (tried putting a ‘die()’ statement in there).

Something i missed?

Hi @schellmax I encountered this issue too (see this comment). The new assets admin doesn’t call getCMSFields() as you pointed out, instead a factory is used to build the editing form. It’s counter-intuitive and I’m not sure why it was done that way… but there is probably a good reason? :slight_smile:

Anyway, you can hook in to SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms\AssetFormFactory::getFormFields with the updateFormFields() extension hook to add a field to the file editing form.

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Interesting. Does this mean we now require 2 extensions to do this? 1 to add the db field and 1 to modify the cms fields?

I have followed the docs exactly and still can’t seem to get my custom field to show up. The field is being added to the Files table but the FileFormFactoryExtension is not being hit. Here is what I have:


    - InnisMaggiore\Documents\Extensions\FileExtension
    - SilverStripe\TextExtraction\Extension\FileTextExtractable


namespace InnisMaggiore\Documents\Extensions;

use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension;

class FileExtension extends DataExtension
    private static $db = [
        'isRFP' => 'Boolean',



namespace InnisMaggiore\Documents\Extensions;

use SilverStripe\Core\Extension;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;

class FileFormFactoryExtension extends Extension
    public function updateFormFields(FieldList $fields)

            CheckboxField::create('isRFP', 'RFP')

I do have a many_many relationship setup between File and a DataObject which the docs do say to avoid. Could that somehow be causing my issue? Also using texttextraction and fulltextsearch-localsolr in this project.

using a second extension seems to be the only way then.
this is what i came up with, inspired by the silverstripe-focuspoint module code @JonoM mentioned:

class ImageFormFactoryExtension extends Extension
    public function updateFormFields(FieldList $fields)
            TextField::create('Copyright', 'Copyright')

so there is not only AssetFormFactory but also ImageFormFactory, which i used, as i need this for images only.


I tried this and it works. Couldn’t find a full working example so I did what @schellmax did and looked at the code for the silverstripe-focuspoint module. 2 new files and an edit to my main yml file.

Image extension ImageExtension.php :

 namespace MyCoolProject;
 use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension;
 class ImageExtension extends DataExtension {
  private static $db = ["caption" => "Text"];

Form Factory extension ImageFormFactoryExtension.php :

 namespace MyCoolProject;
 use SilverStripe\Core\Extension;
 use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
 use SilverStripe\Forms\TextareaField;
 class ImageFormFactoryExtension extends Extension {
  public function updateFormFields(FieldList $fields) {
    TextareaField::create("caption", "Image caption")->setRows(3)

YML file :

    - MyCoolProject\ImageExtension
    - MyCoolProject\ImageFormFactoryExtension
    - MyCoolProject\ImageExtension

I hope this helps someone out there :slight_smile:

@Jash You are missing a space in your yaml config

    - InnisMaggiore\Documents\Extensions\FileExtension
    - SilverStripe\TextExtraction\Extension\FileTextExtractable
-    -InnisMaggiore\Documents\Extensions\FileFormFactoryExtension
+    - InnisMaggiore\Documents\Extensions\FileFormFactoryExtension

If you still have problems after this please create a new thread, rather than continuing a long-dead one.