How to add a Uploadfield within ModelAdmin GridField and work with file?

Silverstripe Version: 3.7.3

Question: How to add a Uploadfield within ModelAdmin GridField and work with file?

I’m trying to add a custom uplaod functionality to a model admin. I know that an GridField Import Button is build in with Silverstripe 4* but unfortunatly I have to do this with a 3.7.3 project…

Currently I built a GridFieldUpload class wich implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_ActionProvider, GridField_URLHandler.

With the getHTMFragments Function I’m able to build a button:

    public function getHTMLFragments($gridField)
        $field = new GridField_FormAction(
            'Upload File',

        $field->addExtraClass('no-ajax action_upload');

        return [
            $this->targetFragmentButton => $field->Field()

But I can’t figure out how to add an uploadfield here instead of an actionButton. I want to upload an XLSX File and do something with exactly that file. So I want to trigger the upload and the following action with one button. Does someone know how this is possible?

I already tried to look into the code of SS4 “GridFieldImportButton.php” but I could not handle that within my code. I also tried to include the V 2.1.11 of Colymba/GridFieldBulkEditingTools but also failed with this implimentation (I got a uploadfield but it wasn’t possible to upload a file).