How to build a custom module

Hi everybody,

I want to learn how to build a custom admin module from scratch.

There should be a menu item in the left navigation and a blank page for main where I want to do custom things like getting and showing data from database and so on …

I searched for a module skeleton or boilerplate but found nothing.

May anybody help me out?


With regards to creating a module, there are a couple of guides:

If you just want a fairly simple admin screen that shows a list of DataObjects in a GridField then Creating your own extension of ModelAdmin is the best place to start:

Finally, there is a load of information about customising the SilverSrtripe admin here:

Hi PsychoMo,

thank you for your replay. As Fabian_Schrattenholz mentioned, the docs are not very useful. I know how to work with ModelAdmin.

What I have is this:


use SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain;
use SilverStripe\Security\PermissionProvider;

class TestAdmin extends LeftAndMain implements PermissionProvider
    private static $url_segment = 'test';
    private static $menu_title = 'Test';
    private static $menu_icon_class = 'font-icon-chart-line';
    public function init()

This generates me a admin menu and blank page. But how can I show custom content there? What are the best practices to render HTML to the page. How JS (Entwine) is used, wow Ajax work there on so on …

Hej PschoMo,

the dev guide doc is not that detailed.
I wrote a module which works fine. But the templates that have to be exposed to public are not found from silvertripe. I have to put them into the themes/mytheme/templates folder manually

do I have to change something in theme.yml of app?

thanks in advance

You will need to register admin themes separately to front end themes. If you have a specific theme you want to use to overwrite admin templates, you need to add something like the following to your YML config:

    - 'mythemename'
    - 'silverstripe/admin:cms-forms'
    - $default

Be aware, I have encountered a bug (LeftAndMain extension's templates only render properly in includes folder · Issue #529 · silverstripe/silverstripe-admin · GitHub) that means I am only able to get some of my admin templates (for LeftAndMain extensions) to render in the Includes folder (not ‘Layout’ or the top level ‘templates’ folder).

Hej PsychoMo,

sorry its not an admin theme. Just some tempaltes for a frontend-module…

Thank you.

I solved it this way right now:


namespace DanielSchweiger\TestModule;

use SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain;
use SilverStripe\Security\PermissionProvider;
use SilverStripe\View\ArrayData;
use SilverStripe\Security\Permission;

class TestAdmin extends LeftAndMain implements PermissionProvider
    private static $url_segment = 'test';

    private static $menu_title = 'Testen';

    private static $menu_icon_class = 'font-icon-chart-line';

    private static $url_handlers = array(
        'show/$TestClass/$Action' => 'handleAction'

    private static $required_permission_codes = 'CMS_ACCESS_TestAdmin';

    public function init()

    public function canView($member = null)
        return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_TestAdmin', 'any', $member);

    public function providePermissions()
        return array(
            "CMS_ACCESS_TestAdmin" => array(
                'name' => _t('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSMain.ACCESS', "Access to '{title}' section", array(
                    'title' => static::menu_title()
                'category' => _t('SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission.CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY', 'CMS Access')

    public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null)
        $arrayData = new ArrayData([
            'Title' => static::menu_title(),
            'Content' => 'Content'
        return $arrayData->renderWith('TestAdmin_Content');


My template is named …