HTMLText rendering with shortcodes

Silverstripe Version: 5.2

I don’t fully understand how to get this HTMLText content with shortcodes rendered.

First what works:

In a dataobject:

private static $db = ['SomeContent' => 'HTMLText'];

In a controller:

   'Layout' => $this->customise([
      'Data' => MyDataObject::get_by_id($ID)

In the (CustomErrors/Closed) template:


That works fine. This doesn’t:

In a controller:

   'Layout' => $this->customise([
      'Data' => MyDataObject::get_by_id($ID)->SomeContent

In the (CustomErrors/Closed) template:


$Data above renders as a string. HTML tags and shortcode tags are visible. $Data.RAW will render the HTML tags but not the shortcode.

I thought this might be due to it being passed as a string value on this line:

'Data' => MyDataObject::get_by_id($ID)->SomeContent

Which makes sense. I’m not sure how to do it differently. I’ve tried forTemplate and creating an object and setting that to the template variable:

$test = DBHTMLText::create('SomeContent');


'Data' => $test

That results in html tags being parsed without .RAW in the template but shortcodes aren’t parsed.

You can use the ShortParser Class
$content = ShortcodeParser::get_active()->parse($content);

Thanks for this! This does work when used in conjunction with .RAW in the template

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