I need help with a theme installation. Which one is better?

Silverstripe Version: 4.5

Question: Which do you think is best theme to download and easier to configure/edit

Hi. I’m new to silverstripe and i am having a lot of problems. I am using it on wamp, and i have the simple theme. I installed some modules, like elemental blocks (still don’t know how to activate and make it working) and some themes. I’ve tried with watea and bambusa but after i switch it on my theme.yml, and i dev/build, when i go on the homepage of the site i see just the homepage without menu, header, footer…just a blank page with default homepage text. Sometimes maybe if i switch theme again, i see the code below. Can someone help me to install a good theme and make it work? thank you.
Or if you can which modules i should install to make this cms be easier? (i am coming from wordpress btw)

   $message .= print_r($templates, true);
208             $themes = self::get_themes();
209             if (!$themes) {
210                 $message .= ' (no theme in use)';
211             } else {
212                 $message .= ' in themes "' . print_r($themes, true) . '"';
213             }
215             user_error($message, E_USER_WARNING);
216         }
217     }
219     /**
220      * Triggered early in the request when someone requests a flush.
221      */.
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