Migration of data with SS4

When upgrading to SilverStripe 4 do I need to manually migrate the old table data to the associated new one?


Quick question please about upgrading. I am upgrading a SilverShop site from SS3 to SS4 (to SIlverShop v3) and have found that the old table names in the database are populated with data but the not in the new. e.g. Address is populated, however, SilverShop_Address is empty (same with the others, Product is populated and SilverShop_Product is empty). The new table names are all empty. Is this the expected outcome? Is my next step to build a migration task for SilverShop to transfer the data over?

I note that SilverShop has a legacy.yml file that provides a map from the old class names to the new. This, I think, is used in Framework’s DatabaseAdmin class during dev/build. Maybe this simply establishes the new class names & structure but does not populate it - correct?

Thank you in advance.

Cheers Antony

[Updated 11-8-18]
The answer is Yes. If a SS module has changed its class names a data migration is needed from the old table to the new. The legacy.yml file does not do this for you.