module entidi/silverstripe-carousel Error DataExension not found

I am a beginner in the silverstripe universe. When using the module entidi/silverstripe-carousel I get the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “DataExtension” not found in /xxxxx/carousel/code/CarouselPage.php:3

Current section require of composer.json

"require": {
    "php": "^8.1",
    "silverstripe/recipe-plugin": "~2.0.0@stable",
    "silverstripe/vendor-plugin": "~2.0.2@stable",
    "silverstripe/recipe-cms": "~5.2.0@stable",
    "silverstripe-themes/simple": "~3.3.1@stable",
    "silverstripe/login-forms": "~5.2.0@stable",
    "colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools": "dev-ss5-fix-json2array as 4.0",
    "purplespider/basic-galleries": "^3",
    "purplespider/silverstripe-basic-gallery-extension": "^4",
    "entidi/silverstripe-carousel": "^2.2",
    "bummzack/sortablefile": "^2.0"

Does anyone have a helpful idea to fix this ?
If the forum category is not appropriate, please also give me a hint


entidi/silverstripe-carousel (assuming that’s GitHub - ntd/silverstripe-carousel: A new page type that implements a carousel) is only compatible with Silverstripe CMS 3.x.

I’m shocked you managed to even get that to install.