Save an array to the database and display as a list on page

Silverstripe Version:

I am trying to insert some tags onto pages, I have managed to get the field to appear using:

$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', ListboxField::create( $name = "Tags", $title = "Tag/s", $source = array( "year5" => "Year 5", "year6" => "Year 6", "year7" => "Year 7", "year8" => "Year 8", "year9" => "Year 9", "year10" => "Year 10" )),'Metadata');

but am unsure how to save the information to the database. Once it’s saved I would like to loop over the information in the template and display it as a list on the page.

Sorry if this question has been asked before but I can’t seem to find the answer.

So I finally got this sorted with some help on the Slack board.

I installed GitHub - silverstripe/silverstripe-tagfield: SilverStripe module for editing tags (both in the CMS and other forms)

Then, in the page

use SilverStripe\TagField\StringTagField;

private static $db = [
            'Tags' => 'Text',

public function getCMSFields()
            $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
            $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $field = StringTagField::create(
                ['Year 5', 'Year 6', 'Year 7', 'Year 8', 'Year 9', 'Year 10'],
                explode(',' , $this->Tags)),'Metadata'
            return $fields;

In the controller

use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList;
use SilverStripe\View\ArrayData;

public function showTags() 
            $tags = explode(',' , $this->Tags);
            $taglist = new ArrayList();
            foreach($tags as $item) {
                    new ArrayData(array('tags' => $item))
            return $taglist;

and on the template

<% if $Tags %>
        <% loop $showTags %>
        <% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>

I forgot to add that I was using;

private static $db = [
                'Tags' => 'ListboxField',

This is wrong, I changed it to;

'Tags' => 'Varchar',

and now the array is saving to the database…

Now I just need to find out how to loop through it so i can display the items individually, as opposed to looking like [“year6”,“year7”], on the page.