Stripe Payments Intent

Silverstripe Version: 4.6


So I have had Silvershop setup for a while with omnipay and stripe payment method from xini module. But I now need payment intents so am trying to set it up with this module KavindaHarshana/SilverShop-SCA-Stripe but what ever I do it asks for a payment method in an error I cannot fathom out it it is Silverstripe-omnipay problem or this module. I was under the impression if you checked payment intent it would take you to the element area where you selected your payment method and added card details.

Any help however little would be much appreciated as the current stripe module cannot connect to SCA system.

The code is straight forward silvershop product page etc. and Silverstripe omnipay with stripe gateway and above silvershop-sca-stripe module

I managed to get payment intents working by using following examples from these modules:

These Stripe Elements examples were also helpful:

Hope this is helpful to anyone battling with Stripe integrations.