Text or images change to "Undefined" when trying to add hyperlinks

Silverstripe Version: 4.5


After I insert an image in pages / content > right-clicking on the image > Insert link > Link to external URL

The image will then change to the text undefined with the hyperlink.

Also having this problem when trying to highlight text and using the Insert link option. The text will change to undefined

Is this a known problem?

I think we’ve already fix this one. It was only affecting IE11.

Can you double check what version of silverstripe/admin you are running? You can do that by running this command from your project root: composer show silverstripe/admin

If it’s below 1.5.2, you probably just need to upgrade.

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Thank you, that explains why I am having this problem. I was using Microsoft Edge HTML 18.19041.

I tried adding hyperlinks using Chrome and didn’t have any problems. I’m happy to switch the browser that I was using.

Thank you for sharing the link to the GitHub thread.