TimeField null values - help please

I am trying to leave the TimeField as null on an admin page load if null in the database but it always defaults to midnight (00:00:00). When I save the page again this value of midnight gets saved to the database which is undesirable.

Is there a method of achieving this?

I found the reason why it is happening below.

class TimeField extends TextField
public function Value()
    $localised = $this->internalToFrontend($this->value);
    if ($localised) {
        return $localised;

    // Show midnight in localised format
    return $this->getMidnight();

I’m not sure where I found this originally, so I’m not sure who to credit, but I ran into that issue as well. What worked for me was grabbing Shea Dawson’s TimePickerField addon - GitHub - sheadawson/silverstripe-timepickerfield: A time picker field based on jQuery UI Timepicker By François Gélinas then extending it like this…


use SheaDawson\TimePickerField\TimePickerField;

class NullableTimeField extends TimePickerField

// This fixes the default midnight stuff
public function Value()
    $localised = $this->internalToFrontend($this->value);
    if ($localised) {
        return $localised;

    return '';


Thanks Andrew. I ended up extending the standard TimeField.

use SilverStripe\Forms\TimeField;

class NullableTimeField extends TimeField
	// This fixes the default midnight stuff
    public function Value()
        $localised = $this->internalToFrontend($this->value);
        if ($localised) {
            return $localised;

        // Show empty format
		return '';

If you also need to use it on Symbiote\GridFieldExtensions\GridFieldEditableColumns

silverstripe-gridfieldextensions/index.md at 3 · symbiote/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions · GitHub

$grid = GridField::create(
	'StartDate' => array(
		'title' => 'Start Date',
		'field' => 'SilverStripe\Forms\DateField'
	'EndDate' => array(
		'title' => 'End Date',
		'field' => 'SilverStripe\Forms\DateField'
	'StartTime' => array(
		'title' => 'Start Time',
		'field' => 'NullableTimeField'
	'EndTime' => array(
		'title' => 'End Time',
		'field' => 'NullableTimeField'
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