Translate MFA/TOTP

Silverstripe Version: 4.2

**Question: I can not Translate Text on Login Form. **

I’m using silverstripe-mfa with silverstripe-totp-authenticator. My default language of the Site is German. I created /vendor/silverstripe/mfa/lang/de.yml, /vendor/silverstripe/totp-authentificator/lang/de.yml and /vendor/silverstripe/totp-authentificator/client/lang/de.js

I did dev/build?flush=all and I even deleted silverstripe-cache folder. Still everything is english.

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@theTigerDuck It seems there is a typo in your paths. You need to add it under vendor/silverstripe/totp-authenticator/lang/de.yml and vendor/silverstripe/totp-authenticator/client/lang/de.js