Upgrade silverstripe 3.1.6 to latest version

Silverstripe Version:
3.1.6 and php 5.5
whats the procedure to upgrade ?
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I am having site in silverstripe 3.1.6 and i want to upgrade it to latest version .
It should be compatible with php 7.4
plz tell me how i can do that.

I am looking for professional help if needed.

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As a starting point, take a look at the documentation here: https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/4/upgrading/upgrading_project/

That is a good overview of the process. My experience of doing upgrades is usually that the main Silverstripe part is (relatively) painless… you may run into issues if you have a lot of 3rd party modules which haven’t been updated. Obviously translated websites, or websites with content blocks, etc. are more complex.

Often, I’ve found that it’s quicker and less-painful to bypass the actual upgrade altogether, and just recreate the site functionality from scratch in Silverstripe 4, then copy the content over. Whether that’s appropriate for your project would depend very much on how complex and large the site is though.