Using a datalist twice returns nothing

Silverstripe Version: 4.1.2


This is sort of related to a previous query I had, although that one was resolved (thanks for those who helped).

Basically, I have a DataObject for events which can either be Interview or General, and I’m trying to display these on a page, using the below code snippets:


    private static $db = [
        "Title" => "Text",
        "Type" => 'Enum(array("Interview","General"))',
        "Location" => "Varchar(255)",
        "Date" => DBDate::class,
        "Time" => "Varchar(100)",
        "Description" => "Text"


    public function Events()
        return MySite\CalendarEntry::get();

               <div class="row my-3">
                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <h2 class="text-center">Upcoming Interviews</h2>

                        <% if $Events.Filter('Type', 'Interview').Filter('Date:GreaterThanOrEqual', $Now.Format(Y-M-d)) %>
                            <% loop $Events.Filter('Type', 'Interview').Filter('Date:GreaterThanOrEqual', $Now.Format(Y-M-d)).Limit(4) %>
                                <% if $Odd %><div class="row py-3"><% end_if %>
                                    <div class="col-md-6">
                                        <% include CalendarEntry HideImage=true %>
                                <% if $Even || $FromEnd == 1 %></div><% end_if %>
                            <% end_loop %>
                        <% else %>
                            <p>We don't current have any interviews planned.</p>
                            <p>Watch this space, and follow us on social media for the latest updates.</p>
                        <% end_if %>


                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <h2 class="text-center">Upcoming Events</h2>
                        <% if $Events.Filter('Type', 'General').Filter('Date:GreaterThanOrEqual', $Now.Format(Y-M-d)) %>
                            <% loop $Events.Filter('Type', 'General').Filter('Date:GreaterThanOrEqual', $Now.Format(Y-M-d)).Limit(4) %>
                                <% if $Odd %><div class="row py-3"><% end_if %>
                                    <div class="col-md-6">
                                        <% include CalendarEntry HideImage=true %>
                                <% if $Even || $FromEnd == 1 %></div><% end_if %>
                            <% end_loop %>
                        <% else %>
                            <p>We don't know of any events being planned at the moment.</p>
                            <p>Want a shout out for yours? Get in touch today.</p>
                        <% else_if %>

My expected result here would be false on both ifs, so the “no interviews planned” and “no events planned” would be shown. However, what I actually get, is this:

No events, no error, no “no events planned” - just empty space.

When I do a query view using showinline=1, I can only see 1 count query related to any of this, and that’s it.

I may be missing something completely obvious (likely), but I’m going around in circles here, so any help or pointers would be brilliant.

Thanks in advance

Thanks to @andante for pointing out my error on the Slack channel.

The last else_if should obviously be a end_if

Silly mistake, but glad it’s resolved now :wink: