Why do I have this error on sign up page?


Why do i get this error when i try to sign up?

Hi. I have a problem with this website. When someone tries to sign up to the website, after clicking the submit button, instead of the success page we get a error one as shown in the screens.
This is the sign up form

This is the error i get after the submit

I can’t really can’t get it, because even i get this error, it registers me in the db and i can login. But i don’t receive the confirmation email. Can this be a error received because of the silverstripe version? Thanks

2 things to try:

Put the site into ‘dev’ mode and see if you get some error output
Check your server logs

If it’s doing some of the tasks, but not sending the email, then it may be that step which is causing the problem.

Who created this website, integrated mailchimp on the sign up page. When a person register on the website, he is automatically registered to mailchimp audience too. I’ve tried to check everything, even disable from .htaccess the error page, in this way it should have shown me the error line…but it doens’t work. I would like to reset the sign up process but I started to use SIlverstripe just a few weeks a go and I don’t know how to do it.